Stoic Journaling for a Better Life

Learn the basics of Stoicism and apply its wisdom through our guided journals.

Ancient Wisdom

Learn the teachings of Stoicism and other ancient philosophies and apply its wisdom to your modern life

Modern Science

Bring modern psychology into your practice, namely Positive Psychology and CBT (has roots in Stoicism)

Attain Eudaimonia

With a philosophical practice in place, our goal is to have you attain Eudaimonia (“the good life”)

1. Journal like a Stoic

Journals designed to improve your mental health and quality of life. Cultivate happiness & gratitude, manage negative emotions, build empowering beliefs, set meaningful goals, etc.

2. Quotes to Inspire You

Swipe through a myriad of quotes from Stoic philosophers to empower and inspire you. Favorite whichever quotes stand out to you to revisit them on a daily basis.

3. Learn & Apply Stoicism

Learn the fundamentals of Stoicism and other ancient philosophies and apply their wisdom to your daily life. Specific Stoic meditations and exercises are infused into our journaling experience.

“Now is the time to get serious about living your ideals. How long can you afford to put off who you really want to be? Your nobler self cannot wait any longer”

— Epictetus

We are a growing Stoic community, and love to hear from everyone. Please send us a message and we will get back to you asap!

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